
Why Is Cloud Computing Important to The Future of IT?

Cloud computing is important because it fundamentally changes how businesses operate. By leveraging the cloud, you can access advanced technology without heavy investments in infrastructure – and that’s just scratching the surface of the importance of cloud computing!


“As businesses move to 24-hour remote workspaces the cloud has never been more important to your success in managing your teams.”Chuck Bender, CEO, Attentus Technologies


In the broader context, cloud computing represents a major shift in IT. It allows businesses to quickly adapt to market changes and customer needs, which fosters faster growth. On the other hand, it has created a more competitive environment since most organizations are capable of leveraging this adaptability.

In the 2020s, there’s a good chance that you’re already using the cloud in some capacity. However, if you’re still not sure about it, or are looking to expand your cloud computing resources, this article will examine 5 benefits and 5 signs it’s time to migrate. Hopefully, this information will help you make a more informed decision.



Top 5 Benefits of Cloud Computing

1. Scalability

Businesses can easily scale their computing resources up or down based on demand. You can easily adjust your cloud resources to suit current needs, which is excellent news for efficiency and cost-effectiveness. This flexibility means companies don’t have to invest in or maintain excess capacity.


2. Enhanced Collaboration

A cloud system means anyone can access your data from anywhere with an internet connection. Of course, you need to set parameters on who can access your data and applications. However, the good news is that teams can work together in real-time, regardless of their locations.


3. Better Security

Cloud providers offer advanced security features, often more robust than what a company could implement on its own. This includes security updates, data encryption, and backups. This level of security is typically beyond what an onsite server can do.


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Yet, cloud security hinges on proper configurations. 30% of businesses fail to apply proper security measures to their cloud environments. Make sure you do your due diligence on research and training before you make the move.


4. Easier Disaster Recovery

Cloud computing offers effective solutions for data backup and disaster recovery. With data stored in the cloud, it is easier to recover it in the case of hardware failure. This resilience is crucial for business continuity and data protection.

While cloud disaster recovery is easier, it does require some specific skills. Here is a quick overview of some unique aspects of cloud recovery that generally do not apply to on-premise servers.




Geographic Redundancy Cloud services offer data storage in multiple locations, which enhances resilience against localized disasters.
Automated Failover & Failback Many cloud services offer automatic switching to backup systems in an emergency.
Automated Testing Cloud platforms often allow for automated, frequent testing of disaster recovery protocols without disrupting operations.
Data Replication Continuous, real-time data replication is more efficient in cloud environments, reducing data loss during disasters.
Compliance with Data Protection Laws Cloud providers are often equipped to handle data according to varying international data protection standards.
Management & Monitoring Cloud services provide user-friendly interfaces for managing and monitoring disaster recovery processes.


5. More Data Storage

Cloud-based data centers offer vast storage capacities that far exceed what most businesses are capable of on-premises. This allows for extensive data storage without the physical space and management concerns of traditional storage solutions.


5 Signs It’s Time to Migrate to a Cloud Computing Service

1. Hardware Limitations

If your current hardware and software struggles to keep up with your business needs, it’s a clear sign you should consider cloud computing. Aging or insufficient tools can lead to decreased productivity and increased downtime.


2. High Maintenance Costs

High maintenance costs for your existing IT infrastructure, such as frequent repairs and software updates, point to potential cost savings and efficiency gains with cloud computing. This can reduce the financial and operational burden of IT management.


3. Remote Workforce

With more employees working remotely, businesses need systems that let workers access information easily and securely from anywhere. If your current setup limits remote work capabilities, moving to a cloud infrastructure offers a solution.


4. Data Accessibility Issues

If system constraints cause delays or difficulties in your business’s data retrieval and processing, cloud computing can provide a faster and more efficient solution. This improvement in data accessibility greatly enhances operational responsiveness.


5. Frequent System Outages

Regular system outages or performance issues can severely impact your business operations. Considering that 85% of these issues stem from staff failing to follow procedures, cloud services can provide a solution by offering more streamlined and standardized processes.


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Need a Hand Making The Move?

While the importance of cloud computing cannot be underestimated, it’s also not something that you should dive into head first without careful consideration. If you’re not already there, it’s important to take time to strategically plan your cloud migration. Consider why you want to move into the cloud and what you hope to achieve. That will help guide your cloud migration strategy.

If this is all new to you, you can ask Attentus Technologies for a hand. We’re serious about your education and would be more than happy to guide you through the best possible cloud migration process for your specific needs. After the move, we can also stick by you to help manage your cloud resources and offer these following services.

Contact us today if this sounds good to you!