
6 Information Security Strategies You Need in Your Business Plan

Developing and implementing a solid information security strategy should be mandatory in any solid business strategy. However, this isn’t always easy. 59% of organizations stated that their cybersecurity strategy has changed over the past 2 years to keep pace with evolving cyber attacks. Planning an information security strategy that remains resilient can seem impossible.


“Technology changes and you’ll always need to adapt, but there are certain measures you can take that will always offer protection.”Dustin Frost, Founder & President  Attentus Technologies


All hope is not lost. There are some information security strategies that stay pretty solid in the face of changing technology. For instance, basic access controls such as username and password systems never go out of style.

Of course, you probably want to go above the basics when it comes to your data security. That’s why this article will list 6 solid information security strategies that you can use to keep your business protection plan resilient in the face of emerging threats.

1. Advanced Endpoint Protection

Employ endpoint detection and response (EDR) systems to monitor and protect all end-user devices. This approach uses behavioral analysis to detect unusual patterns that may indicate a cyber risk. You’ll get a more sophisticated level of threat prevention beyond what traditional antivirus solutions can do.

You can also try incorporating real-time threat intelligence feeds into your EDR system for a dynamic defense strategy. These feeds provide up-to-date information on the current threat landscape, which helps the EDR system proactively adjust its defenses.


2. Data Encryption & Tokenization

Secure sensitive data through encryption in transit and at rest. For particularly sensitive information, like credit card details, use tokenization to replace the data with non-sensitive equivalents. That way, even if a bad actor gets access to sensitive data, they can’t use it.

Furthermore, consistently review and update your encryption protocols to meet the latest security standards. As technology evolves, so do the methods that hackers use to crack encryption. Regular updates ensure that your encryption methods stay ahead of these tactics.


3. Third-Party Risk Management

In 2022, more than 50% of organizations reported a security incident that began on a third-party system. That shows that you need to develop a security program to manage risks associated with third-party vendors who have access to your company’s data.

This includes conducting regular IT security assessments, enforcing strict data handling agreements, and monitoring the security posture of partners and suppliers to ensure they meet your security standards.


4. Zero Trust Architecture

Adopt a zero-trust security framework within your organization that applies to both internal and external users who may access your network. This approach dictates that all users must be authenticated and authorized. Additionally, their security configuration and posture must be continuously validated.

To further support the zero-trust model, integrate the principle of least privilege (PLoP). The principle is to give users only the minimum level of access necessary to perform their duties. This limits the potential damage in the event of compromised credentials.


5. Backup and Recovery Plans

Having robust backup and recovery plans is a critical aspect of information security. Start by identifying which data is crucial for your business operations. Then, create backup copies of this data at regular intervals. Ensure these backups are stored in multiple, secure locations.

There are a few different strategies that you can use for this. Choose the type of backup based on what kind of protection you want and how often you update your data. For example, if you’re going to be very cautious and want a backup for every piece of data, regular full backups are best. Here are some examples of your choices.


Backup Type Storage Location Description
Full Backup Onsite, cloud, and/or off site Copies everything every time you do it.
Incremental Backup Onsite, cloud, and/or off site Copies only the changes made since the last backup.
Differential Backup Onsite, cloud, and/or off site Copies the changes made since the last full backup.
Snapshot Onsite Captures the current state of specific data at a specific moment.
Cloud Backup Cloud Stores data remotely via the internet for off site protection.
Mirroring Multiple sites on and off your premises Keeps an updated copy of the data in varying different locations.


6. Physical Security Measures

Physical security measures are often overlooked when discussing information security. Yet, they can be just as important as cyber measures. Use keycard access systems, biometric scanners, surveillance systems, or any other physical security system to protect your hardware from potential theft or vandalism.

Be sure to also include environmental controls to protect hardware against fire, flooding, and any other nature-induced threats. Such threats may also pose a significant security risk as they can cause severe damage that can lead to data loss.


Where Can You Find Solid Information Security Advice?
Seattle Tacoma Renton Bellevue


Need a Hand With Your Information Security Strategy Plan?

Planning your information security strategy might seem like a lot, but it is possible to streamline the planning and implementation process without cutting corners. If you’re not sure how, you can always count on IT consultants to help out.

If you don’t know where to find those consultants, look toward Attentus Technologies. Our team boasts over 20 years of IT experience and a friendly approach that always puts your needs first. We’ll dig into what’s best for your business so we can help you craft a solid information security strategy that keeps you resilient without impeding your business processes.

Reach out to us to find out more.